Practical Tips on Being a Director

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In my company, the distinction between managers and directors lies in the breadth of scope. Directors are expected to have the same solid understanding of the projects they oversee as managers, but with an increased understanding of the broader context of the other projects happening in the division — this role should not only shepherd projects from start to finish, but should also help them dovetail neatly with other projects that other teams are working on. Directors should take more responsibility for big decisions, and make strategic decisions for both the team and within the department. The next step up – VP – should have the strategic view not just of the department, but of the broader company.

Don’t micromanage your people. If you have good managers working for you, you should basically be able to give them a direction and let them go, acting as a resource for them when they need or want additional guidance, but letting them do things differently from how you might if you were still in that role. Do give them the resources they need to succeed, give them a clear understanding of their goals, and protect them from the shit that comes down from above.

The details depend a lot on your team. How big are they? How big is your organization? What structures already exist that you need to fit into?

Author: Mark Boado Blog

Global Quality Manager

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